"How many non-white people are questioning anti-racist math education? I would venture to say almost zero."
The way that this is framed is purposefully manipulative because it doesn't leave room for a third possibility (beyond the fact that it depends upon an imagined near-universal agreement to make a point), which is that "anti-racist math education" might be a predominantly classist concern being propagated by those within academia. It was interesting to recently learn, for example, about a survey done which found that most people who identified as Latino or Hispanic were unaware of "Latinx" as an identistic term or did not identify with it; and another study where only one in four Hispanics considered themselves a "person of color." I think it is fair to consider that a lack of awareness does not necessarily mean opposition to such-and-such, but I have the increasing sense that the moral posturing of much of this new supposed radical leftism is not as popular with the demographics which it claims to serve, and may in fact be intellectually patronizing and infantilizing.